Add fibrous foods to your diet. Simply put, fiber adds bulk to our bowel movements, which helps us stay regular. Fiber also loads us up with a healthy dose of prebiotics (i.e. good bacteria in our guts). And because it takes longer to chew fibrous foods, you have plenty of time to activate digestive enzymes in the mouth to prepare your stomach for absorbing nutrients.

Which brings me to my next tip.

Chew. Chew. And Chew some more. The best and easiest way to improve your digestion is to make sure you’re chewing your food properly. It may seem simple, but too many of us don’t take the time to chew our food thoroughly which is essential to activate the digestive enzymes in your mouth and prepare your stomach for proper digestion.

Besides not chewing properly, when we eat our food in a hurry, we also tend to overeat.

Follow the 80/20 rule. Meaning, eat to an 80% capacity to allow room in your belly to enzymatically break down your food without falling into a food coma. Be mindful of what and how you eat, take breaks, and chew your food to avoid overeating.

Add fermented foods to your diet. We need acid to help break down our food. Raw apple cider vinegar and fermented vegetables such as kimchi, not only contain acids to help with digestion, they also contain live bacteria (i.e. probiotics) excellent for digestion

Consume more bitter foods. Foods like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and onion as well as other warming spices and pungent compounds, stimulate your digestion and ultimately help us absorb more nutrients.

Do you suffer from digestive issues? Have you tried any of these tips before? I’d love to hear all about it! Feel free to share your thoughts below and share your digestive friendly recipes on Instagram/julesaron—link to my account please.