Seeds and Nuts are not only rich in minerals, Vitamin E, and healthy fats but are also protein rich. They vary from type, and some are more nutty in flavor whereas others are more sweet and neutral tasting

  • Sprinkle on top of salads to increase the healthy fat and protein content
  • Use in granola, muesli or sprinkle on porridge
  • Grind and use as a “flour” in gluten free baking

Chia Seeds have been used for centuries for their amazing properties, mainly for their fiber, protein, and healthy fats.They have the incredible ability to absorb water and turn into a gel-like substance. This unique characteristic, allows chia seeds to be added to recipes to create a natural thickening agent.

  • Sprinkle on top of porridges, oatmeal, and cold cereals for a crunch
  • Soak for at least 30 minutes in almond milk for a delicious chia pudding.
  • Soak in coconut water for a refreshing chia fresca.

Hemp Seeds have a delicious subtly sweet and nutty flavor and are so small in size that they can easily be used and added to any recipe to boost the protein content. Not only do they contain protein, they also contain heart-healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Try Sprinkling on top of salads, soups, stews or in your morning porridge, oatmeal, or other cereals
  • They also make an excellent addition to hummus and I add them to my smoothies as well.

Nutritional Yeast is a versatile cheese flavored plant based food with high amounts of B vitamins, and protein content. Nutritional yeast contains no dairy or active yeast, and is found in a powder/flake form that creates a paste when mixed with liquid.

  • Add flaked nutritional yeast to almond milk or water to create a cheesy dressing or sauce
  • Sprinkle on top of salads, quinoa, lentils, beans, to add a cheesy flavor
  • Use to make plant based cheese

Spirulina is an incredibly rich plant based source of protein This deep blue-green algea is incredibly mineral rich and is 70% protein.

  • Blend into smoothies or add to dessert recipes
  • What are your favorite sources of protein? Do you have any favorite recipes to share? I’d love to hear from you!