You can be eating the purest foods, but if you don’t adhere to basic food combining principles, you may be creating arduous work for your digestive system. Ill-combined foods can create carbonic gas, a noxious by product of food sitting on old matter in the body that causes inflammation, bone decalcification and body odor.

Follow the steps below to reduce the digestive load on your system. The easier you make it on your body to digest food, the less likely you will be storing toxins from undigested food in your body.

I’ve tried to simplify the process below.
These are the basic food combining guidelines to follow:

  • Starches with starches
  • Protein with protein
  • Nuts with nuts, seeds, dried fruits and bananas
  • Fresh fruits alone and on an empty stomach
  • Raw vegetables can be paired with all meals.
  • Cooked vegetables with starches and cooked non starch vegetables with proteins.